What motivates your next teaching move?
I have just listened to a presentation and one of the elements of it was the motivation that people have when considering new positions.
It boiled down to the following seven elements:
- Work/life balance
- Colleagues
- Money
- Workplace culture
- Work that challenges
- Feeling Valued
- Having an impact
Of course all of these are relevant across all sectors but I would like to know within education what you would consider are the biggest factors. We hear constantly about workload leading to record numbers of teachers moving into the Independent sector or even moving abroad but is there a combination of factors from above also contributing on people looking for a new school? If you do not feel valued or you cannot make an impact, will that inevitably affect the workplace culture?
I speak to lots of teachers seeking a change, however I am surprised at the variety of reasons they give for looking for a new position. It is wrong for recruiters to assume that everybody is looking to move simply for more money or a lighter workload. So tell me, what are you considerations when thinking about a change?
If you are looking for a new role from September, why not contact me now with your CV michael@classroomteachers.co.uk so Classroom can help!
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